its a TV

:::::::: book of shadows ::

“darkwebSTREAMER’s more confronting moments seem at least partly metaphorical, perhaps as a commentary on burden and fragility.”
- GamesHub

“All roads led to darkwebSTREAMER.”
- GameDeveloper

“There seems to be something ugly within us that thrives in seeing pain come onto others, and darkwebSTREAMER explores this.”
- GamesHub

“...has the makings of a horror game masterpiece.”
- ConcretePlayground

“a commentary on all that the internet has been, is, and will be”
- Kotaku

“...bold and uniquely unsettling”
- PressStart

“I don’t know what’s going on. I don’t know what’s going to happen. But I’m hooked by this delectable, terrifying absurdity and don’t want to close the dark web and go to bed.”

“if you like weird internet things, this procedurally generated permadeath horror RPG streaming sim is just for you.”
- WellPlayed

“there’s only a one-letter difference between
stream and scream”
- TokyoWeekender

“this procedurally-generated horror game will ensure your jaw hits the floor.”
- Qualbert

“darkwebSTREAMER is an odd beast”
- WellPlayed

+ more… if you can find them.